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What You Need:
1 14 oz. can of condensed milk
5 1/2 cups powdered sugar, sifted
1 tablespoon peppermint extract
3 cups semisweet chocolate chips
3 tablespoons shortening
Add condensed milk, 2 cups of powdered sugar, and peppermint extract to a large mixing bowl. Mix everything on medium speed with mixer until ingredients are combined. Continue adding powdered sugar 1/2 cup at a time until you have a dough that is pliable but firm. At this point I covered and refrigerated the dough for about 30 minutes but you do not have to. Remove from the fridge and roll 3/4" balls with the palms of your hands. Press each ball down slightly and place on a parchment covered sheet. The first time I flattened mine too much. They should look like this:
Place the sheet into the freezer for 30 minutes to an hour. Now you can make your chocolate coating. All this requires is melting the chocolate chips in the microwave {I do 1 minute to start, stir, and then 30 second increments}. Or you can use a double boiler on the stovetop. Thin the melted chocolate with the melted shortening. Let cool just a couple of minutes and then remove your disks from the freezer. Now you will place the disk on a fork and dip into the chocolate coating like this:
Place coated disks back onto the parchment and allow them to set. I put mine in the fridge overnight but you do not need to let them set that long. That's it! While they were setting up, I put together some cute bags to deliver them. {Now you will see the difference in my horrible photography skills!}
Here is my finished product: {Next time I want to add crushed candy cane or peppermints to the chocolate tops before they set}
Wrap them in tissue paper & tie:
I used paper bags. Fold down the top, cut slits the size of your ribbon and run the ribbon through. {After placing your chocolates inside the bag, of course!}:
Now give them away if you can avoid eating them all! Enjoy!

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